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Let's create something great—together

A close up of a person working on a flex PCB under a well lit microscope on a workbench.

Our full stack approach—from silicon to cloud—enables developers and OEMs to seamlessly integrate with our system.

We work with many of the top tier OEMs in AR and VR. We have a deep understanding of both the constraints involved and unique value eye tracking has to offer to everything from AI assistants to the metaverse.

Our team is world-class, with a mix of skills and experience from silicon all the way to cloud analytics.

Chip Design

Test and Qualification
Assembly and Packaging
Micro Optics
MEMS Process
CMOS Wafers


OEM Integration
Optomechanics and Human FactorS
Flexible Electronics
NovEL Mems Drive-Sense Schemes


Real-Time Embedded Systems
Novel algorithms
Cloud-based analytics
Applications and drivers
GPU-Based eye box simulation

Chip design

Test and qualification

We have extensive test coverage at the wafer and module level. Our devices are qualified to rigorous consumer electronics standards.

Assembly and packaging

Our multi-chip modules are heterogeneously assembled and packaged with tight tolerances at established manufacturing facilities. Advanced wafer scale assembly technology ensures a sustainable competitive advantage for our products.

Micro optics

We design tiny, optical reflectors with nearly diffraction-limited performance. We have a world-class team of optical design experts. Our customized light source enables ultra-compact scanning systems.

MEMS process

We design on-chip sensors and actuators with exquisite resolution and develop advanced processes at multiple MEMS foundries around the world. AdHawk is poised to aggressively reduce package size and cost using advanced semiconductor manufacturing techniques.

CMOS wafers

We manufacture CMOS at the 8” wafer scale in the world’s largest foundries at well-established technology nodes.



OEM integration

Our reference design integrates easily into numerous product ID categories including smart glasses, AR, and VR.

Optomechanics and human factors

We employ extensive system-level optics simulations to optimize optomechanics. Our custom anthropomorphic robot (AdHawk Eye Robot) accelerates studies of population coverage over human factors.

Flexible electronics

Our state-of-the-art mixed-signal flex circuits fit unobtrusively into a broad range of products while maintaining signal integrity.


Our modulated optical signal chain pushes the limits of detection with limited photon budgets. We design eye-safe VCSEL drivers and achieve high dynamic range iris imaging.

Novel MEMS drive-sense schemes

We have invented new ways to drive and sense our CMOS-MEMS devices to directly interface with low-power embedded systems, to improve device reliability, and to measure device dynamics on-the-fly.



Cloud-based analytics

We are building the largest database of high-quality eye tracking data captured in the wild. Our analytics serve as the backbone for continuous improvement of our algorithm stack.

Applications and drivers

We provide USB and SPI interfaces, accessed through our public APIs, to develop applications in Android, Windows, and iOS. Our Unity applications provide effortless human-computer interaction for spatial computing.

Novel algorithms

Our algorithms team develops real-time physical eye models that are robust across human factors and slip to deliver a frictionless experience with one-time user enrollment.

Real-time embedded systems

Our system produces the highest data quality achievable in wearable systems today with 10× improvements in computational efficiency, bandwidth, power consumption, and latency.

Custom GPU-based eyebox simulation tools

We have developed our own tools to optimize the performance of our unique system architecture and geometry.

Our phased approach to integration projects

Phase 1
Geometry investigation

Component placement and optimization

This phase takes about 3 weeks

In this phase, you’ll provide information about your project, including “keep in” and “keep out” regions. We’ll place the necessary components, and then optimize the configuration using custom ray tracing simulation tools, rapid prototyping, and the AdHawk anthropomorphic robot.

At the end of the phase, we’ll deliver a report describing the expected tracking coverage with the optimized geometry, as well as CAD describing where AdHawk eye tracking components will be placed within the frames.

Phase 2
Custom Hardware

Prototype design and testing

This phase takes about 8 weeks

The next phase is tailored to fit your unique requirements. Our hardware team will collaborate with you to create an eye tracking system that can be used independently or as part of your system.

Using the component positions established in Phase 1, we will design and fabricate a custom flexible printed circuit board (FPCB). Depending on your eye tracking needs, we will use an off-the-shelf control board or design one ourselves, both of which can communicate with your system via USB or SPI.

Once created, we will validate your custom hardware on the AdHawk Eye Robot and a number of human subjects. At the end of this phase, we’ll ship you the validated hardware.

Phase 3
Preparing for production

Preparing for production

In this last phase, we will work with a contract manufacturer of your choice to test and integrate eye tracking components into your product.

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