
Eye tracking,

How it works
We look at eye tracking differently

Traditional eye tracking systems use power-hungry cameras and computationally expensive image processing to measure the eye’s position.

We eliminate the camera in favor of our very small MEMS micromirror. This device sweeps an ultra-low power beam of infrared light across the cornea and pupil thousands of times per second.

Detectors capture pulses to measure the precise locations of the pupil and corneal glints to reveal gaze, vergence, and pupil size. Our sampling rates and time resolution are so high, the data quality is orders of magnitude better than camera-based alternatives.

The AdHawk Difference

Better where it counts

The lack of image processing fundamentally differentiates AdHawk from the competition, enabling our products to be significantly less power hungry and notably faster, with a 10× improvement in performance across all key specifications.


Our chip design team produces highly customized CMOS-MEMS devices, qualified to rigorous consumer electronics standards, at wafer scale with a global supply chain of the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturers. Our multi-chip modules incorporate these devices with an infrared source and micro-optics into a tiny package.

low compute

Our hardware team has developed infrastructure, including anthropomorphic robots and turnkey integration workflows, to achieve rapid, robust integration into OEM products like smart glasses and metaverse hardware. We've also manufactured and sold our MindLink glasses to the most discerning eye tracking researchers and clinicians around the world.


Our software team has developed an embedded system with order-of-magnitude improvements in computational efficiency, bandwidth, power consumption, and latency. Drivers and application software enable high performance eye tracking across multiple operating systems. Cloud-based analytics improve our algorithms and capture metrics that reveal a user’s state of mind.


Finicky systems don’t get used. But frictionless systems with one-time calibration, robust slip compensation, great indoor and outdoor performance, and all-day battery life? They get used.


Our eye tracking system is small (and getting smaller all the time), flexible, and has been tested in different form factors and geometries.

Eye tracking superpowers

Eye Tracking Superpower

Inferring Intent

Detect what a user is planning to do, before they do it. Monitoring a user’s gaze allows us to anticipate their next moves. About to make a wrong turn while driving? Where you’re looking let’s us know to remind you where to go.

Eye Tracking Superpower

Delivering Clarity

Level up your AI assistant with gaze information. Knowing what users are looking at adds useful context for AI knowledge assistants. Wondering whether you can find a cheaper pair of shoes online? Knowing which pair of shoes you’re looking at on a wall of shoes is critical.

Eye Tracking Superpower

Identifying Activities

Identify what a user is doing in real-time. When paired with data from other sensors, eye tracking data adds another layer of information which can help identify and distinguish between user activities. Need to get to the nearest shopping mall? Whether you’re driving versus biking, directions will differ to optimize your ETA.

Eye Tracking Superpower

distilling insights

Gathering insights over time has never been easier. Our wireless, all-day technology makes observation and data collection a low-effort process for the user, allowing researchers to easily gather insights on eye behavior and cognitive state.

Eye Tracking Superpower

Being discreet

Interact hands-free and discreetly. Unlike conventional methods of interaction like voice and hand gestures that can be easily noticed, integrating eye tracking into your product allows for seamless user interaction. Need to take a picture? Simply blink twice rapidly.

Eye Tracking Superpower

Perfect memory

Recall memories using spatial information. With the power of eye tracking and spatial information, you can recreate memories effortlessly. Wondering what wine you had last summer on vacation? Just ask.

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